Days 10, 11 & 12: More Research and News From Back Home
I am combining the last three days of work into one blog post as they were all focused on one issue. In the span of the last few days, I analyzed over 6 different database websites and over 500 different datasets; I was confident I found a good dataset for Chapter 2, however, soon had to scrap all of our work. On day 10, I moved on to analyze other parts of the book. Chapters 3 & 4 discussed important parts of the process, however, they did not need any major changes nor additions. Chapter 5, however, turned out to be the single most important part of the book as it introduces Pandas and NumPy libraries to students who may have never had a computer science course prior to reading this book. This is, of course, a major problem as we are expecting Business major students with no coding experience. I was tasked with reading, analyzing, and taking notes on the ideas introduced in the chapter and its complementary readings. This was in preparation fo...