Days 34 & 35 Brand New Start
Two weeks ago, I had a difficult time thinking of the future teamwork for Chapter 6. I was not responsible for working on Chapter 6, and was only familiar with it partially. This is why yesterday I asked for Sama and Roberto's help. They are a team of pair programmers who rewrote the entirety of chapter 6 to fit a new business dataset, and are the most familiar with the contents. Together, we were able to quickly brainstorm ideas for the chapter, and by the end of the day were practically finished. Originally, I was thinking of providing students with a dataset and then asking them web scrape additional data. Sama offered that we create an HTML page ourselves, storing data in our preferred way instead of relying on an outside source.
This was so incredible for a few reasons. Firstly, I was very encouraged by Sama's willingness to be bold and create something brand new instead of adapting. Secondly, I really enjoyed how we as a team were not hesitant about something that was more difficult to implement but would serve students better in the long run. And, lastly, I was happy to learn from both Sama's and Roberto's knowledge on web scraping.
We spent the majority of the day manually adjusting our dataset to fit the idea we had in mind. We had a minor issue, our country count did not match our country data count, but after some careful data cleaning, we resolved it. In the end, we even created some initial instructions for students in a Google Colab document.
It was a wonderful end of week 7. I am able to recognize areas of growth, and areas that I hope to focus on during the semester. I think that this is exactly where I want to be at this point in the internship.
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