Day 36: Challenging is What Makes It Great
Today was such a wonderful day at work. The team is completely finished with the technical parts of Teamwork 6. We were able to create a custom HTML file from a dataset online that allows students to web scrape the data from it. We then ask students to web scrape materials from a URL to add to their existing dataframe. After, students map the data on geo-plot and analyze the results. Finally, students web scrape more data to create a pivot table to draw conclusions on coronavirus cases in different regions and sub-regions around the world. This was a challenging task because we were required to operate at the highest level of learning where we not only needed to apply but create and ideate. We needed to think of the materials from the perspective of students learning it, and I think we did a great job. I believe that in order to best understand something you need to be able to teach it. I enjoyed working with Robe...